ARK Gym COVID-19 Policies
Updated As of April 27th, 2022
We are no longer requiring Masks in gym, it will be optional to wear a mask and up to individual families if they choose to wear a mask.
*Parent in gym viewing is open. We will continue to use SPOT TV for those not wanting to come inside the gym.
*We will continue to take temperatures upon arrival, as well as sanitize upon arrival and exiting. This is for athletes, parents, and anyone coming into the gym
*Sanitation of all equipment will continue to take place.
Questions to ask yourself before entering the gym daily!
1. Do you have a fever of 100.4 or higher?
2. Have you or anyone in your family been exposed to anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19?
3. Have you or anyone in your family been tested for COVID-19, and are waiting on results?
4. Have you experienced any of the following?
a. Cough
b. Sore Throat
c. Shortness of Breath
d. Loss of taste or smell
5. Have you had a fever in the last 48hrs?
Please notify us immediately if you answered yes and/or are experiencing these covid-19 symptoms!
*Please note* - These changes are at the discretion of the owner, and at any time can be changed. The safety and health of our clients and staff are top priority.